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Peekskill / Cortlandt Amateur Radio Association

PCARA Photo Gallery

Photographs of PCARA activities are frequently included in the club's PCARA Update newsletter. There are many more photos than will fit in one newsletter, so here is a selection.

Tower carrying PCARA antennas

The tower

Field Day 2004

fd04-02.jpg (17698 bytes) PCARA Field Day 2004 took place on the weekend of June 26-27 at Bear Mountain State Park. After a damp start, the weather was good!
Marylyn and Ray W2CH prepare the 6 m beam
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Erecting the tarp over the 20 m operating position.
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Setting up the 40 m tent.
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Karl N2KZ, Jim N2KLC and Adam KC2JNW prepare the VHF antennas.
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L to R:  N2KZ, N2CBH, Marylyn, W2CH, WA2MCR, N2KLC raise the VHF antennas.
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Karl N2KZ tests QRP transceiver.
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Ray W2CH and Marylyn operating the VHF station.
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Adam KC2JNW and Bob N2CBH operate 20 m.
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Karl N2KZ and Joe WA2MCR operate 40 m CW.
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Greg KB2CQE rotates the VHF antenna.
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Dusk descends on Bear Mountain, Saturday evening.
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Greg KB2CQE, Jim N2KLC and Bob N2CBH operating 20 m CW.
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Karl N2KZ operating in the 40 meter tent.
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Bob N2CBH takes forty winks.


PCARA web;  page last updated 26-Sep-2015.